GWIC CLUB: Women in Business
Silent warriors, the outside world thinks that our attempts seem effortless.
Only we know what it is like to be a woman in the business world. On some days it might be smooth sailing, but often it is an invisible battle; having to speak up, be heard, or the opposite when someone thinks you are being too strong, opinionated, detailed, … it’s unfair and exhausting. GWIC Women in Business understands exactly that.
With our business group, we hope to create an open sharing platform, more powerful than anything, because it is about women helping women and ladies encouraging each other.
GWIC is not just a friendly face, we are excited to showcase our smart and talented members who are willing to share their knowledge. Join us and let’s learn from each other.
Women in Business means:
- A Women’s platform for GWIC members only.
- A Gathering of Business Women, Entrepreneurs, Self-Starters, Young Professionals, Re-entry Moms.
- Workshops, professional insights and open discussions.
- Company visits and business introductions.
- A chance to improve your professional skills.
Did you know?
Do you want to improve your professional skills? Volunteer for GWIC!
Our fabulous and diverse community has vast resources regarding participating and contributing to professional market skills.
Have you thought about what it is like to run a magazine? Contact our Gazette editorial team.
Are you interested in event planning? Join Hospitality and learn to liaison with the best hotels and restaurants.
What about management, e-media, or branding?
Do we need to say more?! Join Team GWIC and make your time more worthwhile.