Annual General Meeting
Held annually at the end of May, GWIC Board Members invites all members to engage in a presentation of the “Year-In-Review”. In AGM, each board member shares what each has accomplished and what the club has achieved for the entire membership year. Financial report, all year GWIC events and activities and Charity annual report are also presented to the GWIC Members. All current Board members and Club leaders are appreciated for their selfless volunteer work and dedication in running activities and clubs within GWIC for the entire year.
At this event, the new board members are also presented and election is done through voting process, both for the new board members and suggested revisions for the GWIC Bylaws. Questions & Answers session is held at the end of the meeting to give an opportunity for members to express their thoughts and feedbacks. This event is exclusively for GWIC members only.
Due to the unprecedented global pandemic and for the safety of our GWIC members, the AGM for the past 2 years of 2020 and 2021, were held successfully online.